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GoLevita Mini Massage gun used by Yoga Instructor on Beach
GoLevita Mini Massage gun used by Yoga Instructor on Beach


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John-Paul Chitti is a Sports & Musculo-Skeletal Physiotherapist that has worked extensively with professional and semi-professional sports teams for over 20 years in Adelaide.

"I’ve been using the Golevita range of tape supplies for over 1 year and have been extremely impressed with the product range. The tape is easy to tear and apply. It’s hypoallergenic adhesive makes it suitable for long-term applications of tape where this is applicable. I’m yet to have any of my patients react to the tape, even those that have reported a history of sensitivity. I would highly recommend the Golevita product range".


Michael Furmaniak is an Adelaide Podiatrist with additional training in Human Movement and Exercise Physiology.

"I have been using GoLevita’s tape products in our Podiatry clinics for the last year and a half and I find them to be of the very best quality, their hypoallergenic nature means they are perfect for use on patients with sensitive skin, and their rigid tape holds on feet for a number of days where previous tapes had failed to stick! I’ve personally loved their massage guns also - always getting me up for my long Sunday runs…love their products and recommend highly!".